Hard Riddles For Kids!

Think you're the smartest one in the family?

Put your brain to the test with these hard riddles for kids.

With answers that will stump even the brightest minds, these riddles are sure to get everyone thinking.

From classic brainteasers to mind-bending optical illusions, these riddles will challenge and entertain kids of all ages.

So put on your thinking cap and see if you can outsmart the rest of the family!

See if you can stump Mom, Dad, your brothers and sisters, and even the family pet!

Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

A: A candle!

Q: What English word has six letters, remove one letter and twelve remain, What am I?

A: Dozens

Q: Which ring is square?

A: A Boxing Ring

Q: What can you see but not hear?

A: Light

Q: What has four eyes but cannot see?

A: Mississippi

Q: I fly without wings, I cry without eyes, I live without a body, yet I die if water touches me. What am I?

A: A cloud! Q: You see a headless man walking around in a field wearing green trousers and carrying a black briefcase in his left hand. What color is his head?

Q: If there are three apples and you take away two, how many do you have?

A: Two – if you take two away from three, that leaves you with two!

Q: What belongs to you but others use it more?

A: Your name!

Q: What goes up but never comes down?

A: Your age! 10.

Q: This old one runs forever, But never moves at all; He has not lungs nor throat, But still a mighty roar; What is it?

A: A waterfall!

How did you do?

If you got stumped by any of these hard riddles for kids, don't worry – even the smartest adults have a hard time with them!

Hard riddles for kids are a great way to sharp your young one's mind.

Not only are they a lot of fun, but they can also help to develop critical thinking skills. However, if your child gets stumped by any of these hard riddles, don't worry – even the smartest adults have a hard time with them!

The important thing is to encourage your child to keep trying. who knows, they just might come up with the correct answer in the end.

Who knows, they just might come up with the correct answer in the end!

Keep practicing and before you know it, you'll be able to solve anything that comes your way.

They're fun, they make you think, and they can be a great way to pass the time.

But what's even more fun than a riddle?

Laughing Out Loud With The funniest Riddles for Kids!

These hilarious riddles are sure to get the little ones laughing, and they just might learn something too. So what are you waiting for?